

Renderziel für View; wird nach dem Rendern einer View-Stufe automatisch durch diese gesetzt, sofern die folgende Stufe kein Flag PROCESS_SCREEN gesetzt hat. Die Textur des Renderziels steht Shadern durch die Texturen-Variable TargetMap zur Verfügung.


BMAP* (lite-c)
texture (shader code)



 A7.07  LC 


MATERIAL* mtlBlur = 
  effect = "
  texture TargetMap;
  texture StencilMap;
  sampler smpSource = sampler_state { texture = <TargetMap>; };
  sampler smpStencil = sampler_state { texture = <StencilMap>; };
  float4 vecViewPort; // contains viewport pixel size in zw components
float4 blurPS( float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
float4 Color = tex2D(smpSource,Tex.xy); // sample previous render target
float4 Stencil = 0;
const float fDist = 2.5;
for (float i=-fDist; i<=fDist; i+=fDist) // average stencil shadow from 9 samples
for (float j=-fDist; j<=fDist; j+=fDist)
Stencil += tex2D(smpStencil,Tex.xy+float2(i*vecViewPort.z,j*vecViewPort.w));
Color.rgb -= 0.15*Stencil.a; // blend stencil alpha over previous render target
return Color;
} technique blur
pass one
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 blurPS();
} }
technique fallback { pass one { } } "; } VIEW* vStencil = { material = mtlBlur; flags = CHILD | PROCESS_TARGET; } // view for postprocessing the stencil buffer function main() { ... shadow_stencil = 2; // activate z-fail stencil shadows render_stencil = bmap_createblack(screen_size.x,screen_size.y,32); // render the stencil buffer into the bmap camera.stage = vStencil; // attach the stencil blur stage to the camera view ... }

Siehe auch:

VIEW, BMAP, view.bmap, view.stage, view.material, render_stencil,render_zbuffer

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