

USB Instant Module

You have to develop a USB 2.0 device in a rush? No problem: Boot up the PC, take PICstick from its package and connect it to the USB port, and put the attached CD into its drive ... ready.



This sounds like a receipe for the very hurried people. And it is. A PICstick contains the complete USB communication on board as well as on the PC side. You can concentrate on programming your application. The PC side driver (Windows or Linux) emulates a serial port and is really easy to access. On the module side there's a USB-2.0 hardware controler with implemented communication protoocl. The PIC resources are exclusively available for your application.

PICstick ist programmed for fast success. The tutorial contains several sample programs for the module and the PC (Windows and Linux). In short time you'll be through the development process and got a ready-to-run application in the flash memory on the module.

PIC STICK Hardware
Module in DIL-40 format, 21x53 mm
Powerful 16 bit / 10 MIPS processor (PIC18F458)c
USB 2.0 full speed interface
UART interface, SPI interface, CAN interface
32 KB Flash, 1.5KB RAM, 256Byte EEPROM
PWM output, timer input, 3 10 bit analogue channels
6 .. 19 I/O pins, depending on the interface use
Power supply via USB or external 3,3 .. 5,5 Volts

PIC STICK Software
USB driver and transfer software pre-installed
PIC assembler
Sample applications for Windows and Linux


PICstick, CD, manual: $ 69.,-

All prices and technical data are preliminary and subject to change.



Conitec GmbH · Dieselstr. 11c · 64807 Dieburg