Gives a factor for increasing or decreasing the entity's visual clipping box. The visual clipping box determines the entity's size in the ABT and BSP tree and its clipping by the view frustum. By setting this factor above 1, entities are not immediately clipped away when outside the frustum. A8.03
0 - automatic clipping (default)
0.1 ... 999999 -
multiply the clipping box by this factor
- This parameter must be set at the beginning of the entity action.
- Setting an nonzero value prevents the clipping box from including entity rotations. At a value of 1 the clipping box has the same dimensions as the entity.
- Setting a value like 2 or 3 causes the entity to be rendered already at some distance outside the view frustum. This can be useful in some cases, f.i. when entities should already throw dynamic shadows when they are still outside the view.
- Setting a high value (like 999999) causes the entity to be always rendered, even when far outside the frustum.
- Regardless of this parameter, entities that rendered outside the view frustum won't be visible on the screen.
action my_unclipped_ent()
my.clipfactor = 999999; // never clip this entity
See also:
min_x, max_x, CLIP0, CLIP1
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