Entity Properties

Click right onto an entity, then select Properties for displaying this dialog. The following options are available:

Name Unique entity name, for identifying the entity in the status line and in scripts by the ptr_for_name instruction. This name is generated automatically, but can be edited (20 characters maximum).
File File name of the entity (32 characters maximum). Click onto the folder symbol to select a new file.
Path A path assigned to the entity for pathfinding. Click onto the folder symbol to select a path in the level; click onto the remove symbol to remove the path.
Material A material or shader used to render the entity. Click onto the folder symbol to select a material or shader defined in the script; click onto the remove symbol to select the default material. A script with materials must be assigned to the level.
Attached A parent entity can be attached to the entity. Click onto the folder symbol to select an entity in the level; click onto the remove symbol to remove the parent entity. The meaning of the parent entity depends on the script.
Ambient Light value to darken or brighten the entity (-100..+100).
Albedo Not used.





Entity flags. Refer to the Entity chapter for a description.

The Metal flag also serves as a Decal flag for Sprites.

The BBox flag sets FAT|NARROW at the same time, and creates an own bounding box for the object instead of using a standard actor box. This can not be used with the AABB collision system.

Action The behavior function of the entity. Click onto the folder symbol to select a function defined in the script; click onto the remove symbol to remove the function. A script with behavior functions (actions) must be assigned to the level.
Two general purpose strings. Up to 32 characters can be entered and are available in the script through the entity.string1 and entity.string2 parameters.
Flag1..Flag8 General purpose switches, dependent on the entity's behavior script. They can appear under different names that are given by define statements in the script. See also: entity.flag
Skill1..Skill20 General purpose numerical values, dependent on the entity's behavior script. They can appear under different names that are given by define statements in the script. See also: entity.skill
Position For directly editing the entities' position in X Y Z world or local (group) coordinates.
Rotate For directly editing the entities' pan tilt roll Euler angles.
Scale For directly editing the entities' scale factor.
Please note that all values entered here are engine variables with a range of -999999.999 ... 999999.999, and a precision of 0.001. The 32 bit precision of engine variables can affect the scale of an object. If you scale it by a factor of 0.1, it's real scale can be by 0.1/0.001 = 1% different. This can be important when putting scaled entities together, like terrain or rail sctions. A small inaccuracy can lead to visible gaps or overlaps between objects. Therefore, do not scale entities that are supposed to be placed at very accurate positions.
Displays the local (within a group) and world coordinates of the entity.