window(x, y, dx, dy, bmap, varX, varY);

Displays a cutout 'window' from a bitmap; can be used for a vertical or horizontal bar graph display.


x X position of upper left edge within the panel
y Y position of upper left edge within the panel
dx Width of window
dy Height of window
bmap Bitmap name or file name; must not be smaller than dx, dy
varX Global var determining the horizontal bitmap position of the window in pixels
varY Global var determining the vertical bitmap position of the window in pixels



BMAP* compass_map = "compass.pcx";
var compass_x = 0;
var compass_y = 0;

PANEL* aircraft_pan =
  pos_x = 4; pos_y = 4;
  flags = SHOW;

See also:

PANEL, BMAP, layer, pos_x, alpha, flags, button, slider, digits, needle, pan_setwindow

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