Group / Block Properties

Click right onto a block or a group, then select Properties for displaying this dialog. The following options are available:

Group Assigns a name to a group.
Single Mesh A7 The group is rendered as a single mesh when compiled with Create Meshes activated. This increases the frame rate in levels that consist of complex block geometry, like cities. Most 3D cards achieve the best performance when rendering meshes of about 1000 polygons. Sub-groups can be excluded from the mesh by unchecking this flag.
Block Assigns a name to a block.
Texture Lock Textures stay aligned while moving the block. If this flag is unchecked, the texture stays aligned to the level origin, but not to the block. Textures stay aligned while moving the group. If this flag is unchecked, the texture stays aligned to the level origin, but not to the block.  !!  Unlocking a locked texture is a mathematical operation that does not guarantee to preserve the previous texture positions. Textures of imported objects are always locked.
Concave A7 Non-convex block. Set this flag (if it is not set automatically) for all blocks that you import from ASE, FBX, or MDL files and that are not convex, i.e. have 'holes' or 'gaps'. Levels consisting of only non-convex blocks should not be compiled in BSP Mode, but in Simple Mode.
Smooth A7 Softens static shadow edges and gives the impression of a round object - useful for columns. Causes Gouraud shading when the block is exposed to dynamic light in the level: the vertices looking towards the light source are brighter than the vertices looking away from it.  !!  Do not use this flag on blocks or walls that are not round, and on objects composed of several blocks, such as groups with Single Mesh flag. Otherwise seams will be visible along borders where Gouraud shaded blocks touch.
Passable Obsolete flag, for non-mesh levels only. Makes the block penetrable and its surfaces visible from the inside.

Invisible block. When setting the Invisible = None flag in the map compiler dialog, the block is still used in the BSP tree, can clip away objects behind it, and throws static shadows. Otherwise it's completely invisible for the view and the AABB collision detection.

Detail Detail blocks don't affect the BSP tree, as normal blocks do. They can be used for small details in the level, like small pillars, ornaments, rounded arcs or other elements which would otherwise increase the portal count and building time. Because Detail Blocks do not suppress the rendering of the scene behind them, they should not be used for objects that hide much of the level - otherwise they will reduce the frame rate. Do not try using Detail Blocks as level boundaries, and don't let them touch or intersect other blocks. They are ignored by the collision detection.
Flag1..8 General purpose flags for triggering different actions in scripts.
Material A7 Material or shader with which the block will be rendered; the material must be defined or included in the script. Depending on the setting of d3d_automaterial in the script, the material is also automatically assigned to all blocks with the same texture. The standard shaders are available in all scripts that include mtlFX.c.
Ambient Darkens or brightens the texture, -100..+100 (default 0).
Albedo/Fog Sun reflectance (10..100, default 50) or fog color (1..4).
Surface Allows you to apply a different texture to individual faces of the selected block object, and to set the surface parameters. Use the >> and the << buttons to cycle through the faces of the block, or check All A7.82 for all faces. The selected face is outlined in yellow in the current view.
Texture Name of the texture and optionally the imported lightmap of the block. To assign a different texture to a certain face, select a new texture in the textures window, right click, and select Apply.
Shaded Tesselated surface with shadow map for static and dynamic lights. This is the default.
Flat Surface is rendered without shadow map.

Surface is not rendered at all.

X/Y, Angle Use the Offset, Angle, and Scale adjustments to manually move, rotate, and scale an unlocked texture on a face. You can observe the result in the 3D view.  !!  Unlocking a previously locked texture causes a conversion between volumetric and UV texture coordinates and does not restore the original state of the texture. In such a case reset the unlocked texture ([Reset] button), manipulate it and then lock it again.

Unlocked textures can be automatically aligned with the following buttons

  • [Reset] - Reset the texture
  • [L] - Texture left align
  • [R] - Texture right align
  • [F] - Fit texture
  • [T] - Texture top align
  • [B] - Texture bottom align
  • [C] - Center texture
Position Allows to numerically move, rotate, and scale the block. A7.82 Click the [Apply] Button to apply the settings.
Object Displays the local (within a group) and world positions of the block, as wells as the block boundaries and its rotation matrix.
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