The Menu Bar



Opens a new buffer.

Please note: Changing address settings under Options/Buffer directly affects the following three menu items.

Open... Opens a new buffer window, and loads the selected file in the Binary-, Intel-HEX-, Motorola-S- or JEDEC-format. The action performed by File/Open is a shortcut, corresponding to manually selecting File/New first and then clicking on File/Load.

Loads the selected file into the active buffer starting with the buffer start address. During load, the file extension tag defining the format of the data being loaded is proposed (Binary-, Intel-HEX-, Motorola-S- or JEDEC format). This suggested file extension is no longer prompted in version 1.06 (and above) and consequently can be changed by the user. The file is automatically converted into the binary or fuse map format according to the data format chosen.
Format errors are detected and displayed. During loading of files with absolute addresses (HEX or Motorola-S) a warning message appears if the address area lies outside the buffer or the memory module chosen.

Save As Saves the active buffer. You may enter a new name for the file and select the desired file format (Binary-, Intel-HEX-, Motorola-S- or JEDEC). When giving a .gpf2 file extension the current GALEP configuration (buffer and device type) is saved.
Close Closes the active buffer.
Exit Terminates the program.



Copies a previously marked region of the active buffer onto the clipboard, before removing that region from the buffer. All subsequent data gets shifted to the corresponding lower addresses.

Copy Copies a previously marked region of the active buffer onto the clipboard, the buffer itself remains unchanged.

Inserts clipboard data at the current cursor position. Subsequent data gets moved to make room for the clipboard data.

Find This command allows searching for byte-, word-, or ASCII-sequences in the current buffer.
Swap Bytes Swaps high- and low-bytes of all 16 bit words in the buffer.
Fill Buffer Fills a buffer area with a byte value
Split Buffer For programming memory chips with a data width smaller than the target system data width. The command copies a buffer area into several new buffers that only contain all the low and high bytes or words. The source and target buffer data width can be choosen between 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits. The data width of the target buffers must be smaller than the source buffer data width.
Shuffle Buffer For reading memory chips with a data width smaller than the target system data width. The command copies all the low or high bytes or words from a source buffer area into the correct positions of a target buffer. The source and target buffer data width can be choosen between 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits. The byte or word to copy can likewise be choosen. The data width of the target buffer must be greater than the source buffer data width.This way the target system data content can be built from reading several memory chips with different low or high bytes or words.

Device Action

Before selecting any of these options, please read: How to insert devices into GALEP. All operations on the device plugged into the GALEP can be initiated by selecting a menu item in software, clicking on the button bar, or pushing one of the assigned function keys :

Device [F8]

Selects the device type. In the displayed list, pick any of the currently supported devices. Using the [Show Manufacturer first] check box for example, devices can be sorted based on manufacturer, or a sort can be set according to device type. To select the device you eventually select, simply double-click on it or use the [Select Device] button.
Two check boxes, [Use Device Address] and [Use File-Load Address] allow for changing the device-option default values. With [Use Device Address] activated the address range is set based on the selected device's maximum address. If [Use File-Load Address] is activated the address range is determined by the size of the currently loaded file. Some components, such as GALs and micro controllers need to be completely reprogrammed and so do not require these options. If this is the case both dialog boxes are disabled and cannot be selected.
Selecting a new device only applies to the current Buffer, all other buffers retain their assigned devices. This allows the user to have several buffer windows associated with different devices. If no buffer is currently opened, a new one will be created.

Please note: All changes made under Options/Device directly affect the following menu items.

Program [F3]

This opens the action/programming panel, showing the suggested position of the device inside the ZIF socket. Programming is initiated by clicking on [Start]. Please note that programming action starts immediately if [Bypass start button] is activated under the Options/Application menu.The device is programmed in accordance with all settings selected under Options/Device. During programming the current memory address is tracked. If a memory location can not be written to, the programming sequence is aborted, and the faulty address will be displayed. Click Cancel to abort programming at any time.
Use the Options/Device menu to set the desired data width. If this width is too large for the currently selected microchip, the Galep will attempt to automatically split the data onto several microchips. For example: for an 8-Bit EPROM with a requested data width of 16-bit, every even byte starting at the buffer origin will be written to IC0. The odd bytes will be written to IC1.

Verify [F4] This function will read the full content of the buffer, from it's start to it's ending address - and compare them to the data on the memory device being used, beginning at the EPROM's starting address. Differences are displayed in increasing address sequence. If no difference is detected, an OK message will be returned. It is also possible to compare selected, or non-consecutive data areas, if the buffer's start and end address do not cover the entire area of the EPROM. If a difference between any one byte is detected, it will be displayed along with it's address. Afterwards the comparison process may either be aborted or further bytes may be compared. This software feature allows any discrepancies between the device and the data in the buffer to be displayed consecutively.
Blank [F5] Checks whether the device has been successfully deleted, or erased.
Read [F6]

Reads the contents of the device into the buffer.

Erase [F7]

Deletes the device. This function of course is only available for electronically erasable devices. EPROMs still have to be deleted with an ultra-violet light source.
Please note: Some devices may be completely or partially protected against over-writing or deleting. If such devices need to be erased, the software protection switch must be enabled first in the Options/Device menu.


Application General program settings. 
Buffer Each Buffer window has a unique copy of this dialog box. In the dialog box you can select display mode (8-, 16- Bit or JEDEC) and target address for file transfer operations. Click on [Compute] to calculate a checksum for the current buffer contents.

Each Buffer window having a device already selected and assigned to it has a unique copy of this dialog box. In this dialog window, component-specific options for reading/writing the device can be set. The available options vary greatly depending on the selected device, e.g. for a micro controller there might be an option to read protect its memory. These additional features are explained in the component's data sheet (note: has a list of most semi-conductor manufacturers ). For more information cf. component-specific help.
For memory modules, such as (E)EPROMs or Flash, you can select the buffer and device address range in this same dialog box. All bytes from [Buffer start] to [Buffer end] are mapped into the component's [Device start] to [Device end] range. This configuration can be used for both reading and writing, so devices can be read/written partially, and buffer data can be split to multiple memory modules if required.


Toolbar Toggles display of the tool bar below the menu bar.
Status Bar Shows/hides the status bar at the lower bottom of the screen.
Info Bar Activates one of three info panes (Workspace/Devices/Action). You can also activate those by clicking directly on one of the three labels.


New Creates a copy of the current buffer window. This way two different regions of the buffer can be viewed simultaneously.
Cascade Displays overlapping buffer windows.
Tile Displays all buffer windows in a tiled arrangement.
Arrange Icons Displays all window icons in an adjacent arrangement.
Close All Closes all buffer windows.


Content Opens this document.
About ... Here among other things you will find the Version Number of the program.