template7 Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ACTION_DATAData used to act on CGameEntities
CAngle3DMange a 3D set of angles (pan, tilt, roll)
CAnimationEntity animation info
CAnimationEventAnimation Event Base Class
CAnimationEventSoundAnimation Event for Sounds
CAnimationPoolSingleton used to store animation data
CCameraBaseCamera base class
CCameraFirstFirst Person camera
CCameraFreeFree moving camera
CCameraManagerCamera Manager class
CCameraOrbitOrbiting camera
CCameraTargetCamera Target class.
Stores the position, angle, and entity pointer used as the target for all cameras
CCameraThirdThird Person camera
CCmpBase component class
CCmpActivatorSend activation events to other entities
CCmpAnimateAnimation Component
CCmpBrainAI used to control Entities
CCmpCollisionManage collision data
CCmpControlEntity Controller Component
CCmpDebugDebug component
CCmpFaderFade out a Game Entity Countdown starts on kActDie action. Once it finishes, the entity fades and then is removed
CCmpHead'Head' offsets. Gives the actual direction/location this entity is looking to/from. Used for camera, aiming, scanning, etc
CCmpHealthHealth Component
CCmpHUDHUD Component
CCmpInventoryInventory Component
CCmpMoveBasicSimple movement component
CCmpMoveLiftLift movement component
CCmpObjTypeObject Type Gives the GE a 'type' that can be scanned by other entities
CCmpPathPath following Component
CCmpPhysPhysics Component
CCmpPhys_EnvironEnvironmental values used to calculate physics
CCmpPhysBipedSimple biped movement physics
CCmpSensesSenses Looks, listens, smells for GEs with certain ObjTypes (see CCmpObjType)
CCmpSoundSound Component
CCmpTriggerTrigger Component
CCmpWeaponDefine a weapon. Owned by GameEntity
CDebugOutDebug output
CDisplaySet, edit, and store the current display settings
CFileManagerHandle loading and saving to files
CFlagSet< EnumT >Enum dependent bit flags
CFxBase class for all managed effects
CFxBrass"Gun Brass" effect
CFxHole"Bullet Hole" effect
CFxPoolEffects Pool
CGameManages all the elements of the game (level, input, network, etc.)
CGameEntityGame Entity (GEs)
CGameEntityDataData for creating game entities
CInputMapUsed to get the state of a key, control, button etc
CLevelManages a game level
CObjTypePoolStores the ids of GEs by their CCmpObjType values
CRangeTypeStore a range A pair of numbers storing the start/end values
CSoundUsed to play a sound
CSoundPoolSingleton used to store sounds
CTriggerPoolSingleton used to store trigger states
CUiBase class for all User Interface objects
CUiHealthDisplay information about health
CUiWeaponDisplay information about weapons
CUserInputInterface to user input
CVector3DMange a 3D vector
CWeaponDefine a weapon. Owned by GameEntity
CWeaponDefDefine common weapon data
CWeaponDefPoolSingleton used to store all the weapon definitions used in the game
EDIT_CMP_DATAData used to preform multiple edits on a single CMP
EDIT_DATAData used to edit CGameEntities (get or set)
EDIT_SKILL_DATAData used for skill edits
FX_DATAData used to play an FX
INT_PAIRSimple int pair
INT_VECSimple int vec
OBJTYPE_DATARecord of object type data plus link to the source GE (id)
T7EVENT_DATAData used to pass EVENTs

Generated on Fri Dec 28 12:55:06 2007 for template7 by  doxygen 1.5.4