
A struct is an assembled object that contains variables, functions, or further structs (similar to a C++ class). Members of a struct are individually accessed using the struct name, followed by a '.' and the member name. Example of a counter class that controls a counter and stores it in a file:

#include <gxAPI/fs.h>

struct tCounter
  bool tryLoad()
    bool boResult = true;
    try {
      fs.loadFile("counter.dat", this);
    catch(...) {
      boResult = false; 
    return boResult;

  void store() 
     fs.saveFile("counter.dat", this); 

  void count()

  int miValue;

// We create an object...
tCounter cnt;

// The first time this will return false.
bool boSuccess = cnt.tryLoad();
print(MTR("Load: %success% | Counter Value = %value%") <<  boSuccess << cnt.miValue);

// Store new counter values.;

See also:

Variables, strings, functions

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