
A comparison is a special type of expression that delivers either true (nonzero) or false (zero) as a result. There are special comparison operators for comparing variables or expressions:

== True if the expressions left and right of the operator are equal.
!= True if the expressions left and right of the operator are not equal.
> True if the expression left of the operator is greater than the expression right of the operator.
>= True if the expression left of the operator is greater than or equal to the expression right of the operator.
< True if the expression right of the operator is greater than the expression left of the operator.
<= True if the expression right of the operator is greater than or equal to the expression left of the operator.
&& True if the expressions left and right of the operator are both true.
|| True if either of the expressions left and right of the operator is true.
! True if the expression right of the operator is not true.
() Brackets, for defining the priority of comparisions. Always use brackets when priority matters!



10 < x // true if x is greater than 10
(10 <= x) && (15 => x) // true if x is between 10 and 15
!((10 <= x) && (15 => x)) // true if x is less than 10 or greater than 15 (lite-C only)

See also:

Functions, Variables, Expressions


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