Mode Menu

A mode in WED selects the default mouse operation in the edit windows. There are 11 different editing modes. WED is always in one of these operation modes. The different modes are explained below.

Object Select This mode selects an object that will be manipulated by other operations. To select an object in this mode, place the mouse over the object and keep clicking the left mouse button until the object is highlighted in red. The selection cycles through from the nearest to the furthermost objects positioned underneath the mouse cursor. You can select multiple objects by dragging a frame around them, or by holding the [Ctrl] key while clicking. The Object Selection mode also is embedded in the Object Move, Object Rotate and Object Scale modes. To select an object in these modes, left click on the object without moving the mouse.
Object Move This mode changes the position of the selected object. To move an object, simply left click on the selected object in any edit windows, drag it to a new position and release. By dragging an arrow you can move the objects along the arrow direction. You can alternatively move the object with the cursor keys. You may only move an object in the plane parallel to the edit window. When Snap is activated in the button bar, the object can only be moved in steps relative to the level origin (World Snap), to the group origin (Local Snap), or to its own origin (Delta Snap). The Move Restrict button in the button bar restricts the movement to vertical or horizontal direction. Pressing the [Ins] key while moving creates a duplicate of the object at the mouse position.
Object Rotate This mode changes the orientation of the selected object. To rotate an object, left click on the selected object in any edit window, drag the mouse left or right and release. This rotates the object in the counter-clockwise and clockwise directions in the plane parallel to the window. By vertically dragging an arrow you can rotate the objects about the arrow axis. You can alternatively rotate the object with the cursor keys.
Object Scale This mode changes the size of an object. Similar to Object Move and Rotate, you scale an object by left clicking on the selected object, dragging and releasing. By default, WED limits scaling to 2 dimensions at a time. These 2 dimensions are defined by the axes of the plane parallel to the window. When scaling a group, only the size of blocks in that group is changed. Entities can only be scaled individually. By vertically dragging an arrow you can scale the objects along the arrow axis. The Axis Restriction button in the button bar restricts the scaling to vertical or horizontal direction. If [Ctrl] is held down while dragging, the object is scaled equally in both directions.
Edit Box This mode changes the size, angle, and position of an object. When clicking an object in this mode, a box is drawn around it. Click and drag the little squares on the box edges to scale the object in horizontal, vertical, or both directions. Click and drag the center point for rotating the object. Click and drag anywhere else in the box for moving the object.
A right click on a box allows to set the Box Properties:
Camera Auto Move - When moving the box or selecting objects in Box Mode, the camera automatically focuses the box in the 3D view.
Move Look At Point - The camera is fixed and just alters its direction to look at the box.
Move Camera Point - The camera moves parallel to the movement of the box.
Edit Object - Determines which of the selected objects are affected by the box.
Slice Wire A7.62 This mode allows to cut selected blocks or block groups with a wire. Select an object, then click anywhere to place the starting point of the wire. Drag anywhere to place the end point. The wire can be moved by dragging its center point. Hit [Enter] for cutting the selected part on the right side of the wire.
Slice Plane A7.62 This mode allows to cut selected blocks or block groups with a plane. Select an object, then click anywhere to place the slice plane. The plane can be rotated by dragging its 'cantilever'. Within the selected object, the cut is indicated by a green line. Hit [Enter] for cutting the selected part on the cantilever side of the plane.

Vertex Move This function only applies to blocks, or to paths. It allows you to modify the shape of a block by changing the positions of its vertices. In this mode, the selected block is displayed with yellow dots at its vertices. To move a vertex, simply left click on its yellow dot and drag it to a new position. When compiling a map, all solid blocks must be convex (bowed outward). You can't change the position of a vertex into an invalid concave block shape (with a 'cave' in it). This happens when you drag a vertex out of the plane of a face. WED issues an error message in this case. If you click Ignore, the invalid shape is kept, and can lead to errors in the map - so use this at your own risk. Otherwise WED snaps the block back to its original shape.
If a path is selected, hitting the [Ins] key while dragging a waypoint creates another waypoint at the mouse position
Edge Move This function only applies to blocks. It allows you to move an edge of the selected block into a new position. In this mode, the selected block is displayed with yellow dots in the middle of all its edges. To move an edge, simply left click on a yellow dot and drag it to a new position. When using Snap Mode, switch to Delta Snap to avoid unwanted deformation of the block. Moving an edge may deform the block into an invalid concave shape. WED issues an error message in this case. If you click Ignore, the invalid shape is kept, and can lead to errors in the map - so use this at your own risk. Otherwise WED snaps the block back to its original shape.
Face Move This function only applies to blocks. It allows you to move a face of the selected block into a new position. In this mode, the selected block is displayed with yellow dots at the middle of all its faces. To move a face, simply left click on its yellow dot and drag it to a new position. When using Snap Mode, switch to Delta Snap to avoid unwanted deformation of the block. Moving a face can deform the block into an invalid concave shape. WED issues an error message in this case. If you click Ignore, the invalid shape is kept, and can lead to errors in the map - so use this at your own risk. Otherwise WED snaps the block back to its original shape.

Eye Move This mode changes the position where the virtual "eye" is looking from in the editing windows. By default, the 4 editing windows all focus on one point in space. If you move the view of an editing window, all the other editing windows will update their views relative to the new editing focus point. To move this focus position, left click and drag the mouse in any window. This movement is fixed in the plane parallel to the window. If you hold the right mouse button down and drag, you can move forward and backward in the 3D view or zoom in and out on the 2D views. You can also use the arrow keys at any time to move an editing view's position.
Eye Rotate (Orbit) - This mode changes the orientation of the view in the 3D edit window. There are 2 ways to do this. The 1st way is to have the 3D view revolve and "orbit" around the editing focus point. The position of the virtual "eye" changes, but the position of the editing focus point deos not. Thus this will not affect the views of the 2D windows. To do this, left-click and drag the mouse in the 3D edit window. By default, this mode uses the "crystal ball" interface, where one rotates the world like spinning a crystal ball centered at the editing focus point. If the option Invert Mouse is enabled in the config window, then this mode uses the "orbiting" interface, where you move the eye position left and right revolving around the focus point. The 2nd way is to have 3D view's "eye" stay at the same position, but only rotate it's view to look up, down, left and right. If the option View/Lock Views is enabled, this mode derives a new editing focus point based on the new viewing direction, and updates the other 2D views relatively. To rotate the view, RIGHT click and drag the mouse in the 3D edit window.
Eye Zoom This changes the zoom level of the 2D views. Left click in any window and drag the mouse up and down. In the 3D view, this mode increases and decreases the distance between the 3D views "eye" position and the editing focus point.

Walk-thru This mode allows you to move the 3D view around in the level using a similar interface to the Fly-thru camera movement controls. While in this mode, you use the mouse to look left, right, up and down, and move using the Arrow keys or the right mouse button. Pressing [Shift] doubles your speed. [Home] and [End] will move you vertically. [PgUp], [PgDn], and Left / Right let you turn about your main axes. Press [Esc], [Space], or the [Enter] key at any time to quit out of the Walkthrough Mode.
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