Glossary of terms


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alpha A pixel's opacity in percent (0..100). A pixel with the maximum alpha value is opaque, one with a value of zero is transparent, and one with an intermediate value is translucent.
alpha channel Opacity of an image defined by an alpha value per each pixel, either interleaved with the color components (for example, ARGB), or stored in a separate alpha surface. TGA images or skins can contain an alpha channel.
ambient Light and material property that illuminates all parts of an object equally, regardless of their orientation, position, and surface characteristics.
anisotropic filtering Mipmap filtering mode that compensates for anisotropic distortion.
animation A sequence of frames withing a model (see frame).
anisotropy Distortion visible in the image of a 3-D object whose surface is oriented at an angle with respect to the viewing plane. The anisotropy is measured as the elongation (length divided by width) of a screen pixel that is inverse-mapped into texture space.
ARGB Alpha (opacity), red, green, and blue components of a pixel. Each color is represented in memory by data in BGRA order.
array Group of elements organized into an array. Arrays make it simpler to apply operations to the entire group. C-Script supports arrays for variables and strings.
attach Connecting multiple objects to each other, for instance a weapon to an actor. Done by C-Script.


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back buffer Nonvisible surface onto which the renderer draws the next image while the front buffer displays the currently visible image.
back clipping plane Far boundary of a viewing frustum beyond which objects are not rendered; set by clip_range (A5) or clip_far (A6+). See also "front clipping plane."
billboard Non-oriented sprite that is oriented so that it faces the viewer, to give the appearance of a 3-D object in the scene.
bone Used for model animation. A bone controls a number of vertices of the model mesh, and is linked to a 'parent' bone by a joint. If a bone moves or rotates, all linked bones move or rotate with it. The model is animated by rotating bones about their joints
bounding box A box around a model, for model collisions. Has not necessarily the same size as the model, but is often smaller, depending on the requirements for collision.
bump mapping Technique for simulating the appearance of rough surfaces in 3-D scenes. Variations in depth are stored in a texture and applied to a primitive, using standard texture-blending techniques.


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camera Predefined view object to define the default viewing position and direction.
camera space The frame of reference in which the viewer is at the origin, looking in the direction of the positive x-axis. Objects are transformed from world space to camera space by using the view transformation.
client/server session Multiplayer mode in which only the server stores the session's complete state. When one client changes something, it propagates the change to the server. The server then determines which clients it must inform of the change.
codec An abbreviation for compressor/decompressor. Software drivers or hardware used to compress and decompress digital media for playing media streams.
collision detection Process for determining whether objects collide with the scenery or with other objects when moving.
color key A color value used for pixel selection that enables transparent effects for overlay entities. Normally black is used as transparency color.
color table Also called palette, array of n color values (normally RGB triples). Used for 8-bit images to represent the color of pixels.
culling Removing a face from the list of faces to render. Faces can be culled using a number of techniques including BSP or Portal Culling.


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dark light Light source that removes illumination from a scene. A Dark light is created by specifying negative values for the colors of the light.
dead zone Area within the physical range of a joystick axis where the axis is considered to be at the center.
decal Texture that is rendered directly onto a surface.
detail map

Used for adding little details to terrain surfaces, like bumps and cracks visible at close distance. Gamestudio uses the second skin as detail map. The detail bitmap should be small (like 64x64), tiled, true color and medium bright. An example (detail.pcx) is included in the template folder. Mipmaps must be created after importing a detail map.

directional Description of a light source that is attached to a frame but appears to illuminate all objects with equal intensity, as if it were at an infinite distance from the objects. Directional light has orientation but no position, and it is commonly used to simulate distant light sources, such as the sun.
dither Method to display a range of colors with a limited palette. Each pixel on the source image is represented by multiple pixels (usually a 2x2 square) on the destination image. From a distance, the eye blends the multiple pixels into one color that has more shades than the original palette.


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emissive property Material property that determines whether a material emits light. The emissive property of a material is one of 3 properties that determines how the material reflects light.


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face Single polygon in a mesh.
falloff Light attenuation between a spotlight's inner and outer cones.
frame In a movie or sprite animation, a single image. In model animation, a frame is a set of vertex or bones positions that define a single pose for a model. Frames have names that can be used in C-Script to select a certain frame. A number of connected frames is a scene.
front buffer Rectangle of memory that is translated by the graphics adapter and displayed on the monitor or other output device.
front clipping plane Near boundary of a viewing frustum, set by clip_near. Any object closer to the camera than the front clipping plane is not rendered. The height of the front clipping plane defines the field of view. See also "clipping plane."


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gamma The curve in the function that maps changes in voltage to changes in brightness on a phosphor screen. The change in voltage needed to produce a specified change in brightness is not constant across voltage levels. Gamma correction is used to adapt brightness levels to the characteristic of the monitor, or darken and brighten the image without loosing contrast.


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HAL DirectX hardware abstraction layer (HAL) consists of hardware and device driver mechanisms that insulate applications from device-specific implementation details. If a capability requested by an application is not implemented by the current hardware, the capability is emulated by the software.
HEL DirectX hardware emulation layer. The HEL provides software-based emulation of features that are not present in hardware.
host Also named server; in multiplayer, a virtual player who controls the game and manages messages sent to all players in a session.
host byte order On an Intel x86 computer, the byte order for the system, or host, is little endian (low byte comes first). Network byte order is always big endian (high byte comes first).
hull A special fixed size bounding box used for collisions with blocks, map entities and terrain.


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interlace To display a video frame in two fields. One field contains the even lines of the frame, the other field contains the odd lines. During playback, the lines in one field are displayed first, then the lines in the second field are displayed.
interleaving The arrangement of video frames and audio samples in a file, such that video data alternates with audio data at regular intervals.
interpolation A method which calculates the position of the vertices in a model between two arbitrary frames.


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key frame An animation frame containing all the data needed to render a model without reference to previous frames.


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latency A delay in response. For example, in multiplayer mode, it is the time that it takes for a packet to reach a specified destination. In playing media streams, it is the amount of time it takes a filter to process a sample.
light map Also named shadow map, a texture or group of textures that contain lighting information for a 3-D scene.


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Mach bands Bands of color that are not smoothly blended across a 3-D primitive. Sometimes visible when using 16-bit textures.
material Property that determines how a surface reflects light. A material has two components: an emissive property (whether it emits light) and a specular property, whose brightness is determined by a power setting.
mesh Set of faces, each of which is described by a simple polygon.
mipmap Also known as MIP map (Latin: multum in parvo, translated as "much in little"). A sequence of textures, each of which is a progressively lower-resolution, prefiltered representation of the same image. A higher-resolution image is used when a visible object is close to the viewer. As the object moves farther away (and gets smaller), lower-resolution images are used.
model coordinates Coordinates that are relative to a local origin. See also "model space" and "world coordinates."
model space Frame of reference (used by model coordinates) that uses vertices relative to a single 3-D model's local origin.
multipass texture blending Repeated rendering of a 3-D primitive while blending on a texture with each pass. This technique is widely used to achieve a variety of special effects.


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nagling Algorithm to buffer small data packets into larger ones before sending. Nagling prevents a TCP/IP protocol server from transmitting many very small packets by requiring the server to wait either until it has accumulated enough small data packets to combine them into a single large packet or until it has received an acknowledgment of the prior packet. Nagling can reduce message overhead (and decrease required bandwidth), but also causes a delay before small data packets are sent (increasing latency).
normal vector Imaginary ray extending perpendicularly from a surface that defines the face's orientation.


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origin Position within a model or map with XYZ coordinates 0,0,0. Not necessarily identical to the center of the model or map.
overlay An image with pixels that are either fully opaque or fully transparent, dependent on a transparency color (see color key).


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palette Set of colors used by an object or application.
palette index Integer index into the palette table array that is used to select a particular color.
palettized image Image whose pixels contain palette indices rather than colors. Normally an 8-bit image.
parallel point Description of a light source that illuminates objects with parallel light, but the orientation of the light is taken from the position of the parallel point light source. For example, two meshes on either side of a parallel point light source are lit on the side that faces the position of the source.
perspective correction Technique of applying a texture map to a polygon that is angled away from the camera, interpolating so that the texture is stretched onto the polygon appropriately for the apparent depth of the polygon.
pick To search for visuals in a scene, given a 2-D coordinate in a viewport. Used for mouse detection.
player Single participant in a multiplayer session. Each player is associated with a player ID that enables messages to be exchanged among players.
player ID Unique number that is assigned to each participant in a multiplayer session when the participant is created.
point light Light source that radiates equally in all directions from its origin.
power In the specular property of a material, value that determines the sharpness of specular highlights. A value of 5 gives a metallic appearance, and higher values give a more plastic appearance.
power of 2 A number that can be expressed as 2^n, like 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024. All textures in a game should be a power of 2 in horizontal and vertical size. If they aren't, the engine interpolates them to the next power of 2, which consumes video memory and rendering time and reduces the visual quality.
projection space Frame of reference containing vertices after they are modified from their world space locations by the projection transformation. Projection space is a homogeneous cuboid space in which all vertices in a scene have x-coordinates and y-coordinates that range from -1.0 to 1.0, and a z-coordinate that ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. Projection space is sometimes referred to as post-perspective homogeneous space.


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quality control Mechanism for adjusting the rate of data flow or media streams in response to run-time conditions.
quaternion Fourth element added to the [x, y, z] values that define a vector. Quaternions define a 3-D axis and a rotation around that axis.


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RGB Red, green, blue components of a color or pixel, normally in 0..255 range. Each color is represented in memory or in a vector in BGR order.
rolloff The attenuation of sound over distance.


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scene Entire set of objects that make up a virtual environment, including visible objects, sounds, lights, and frames.
screen space Frame of reference that relates 2-D coordinates to locations in the frame buffer. Screen space coordinates typically display on a monitor. The origin, or (0,0) is defined at the upper left corner. Y increases in the downward direction; X increases to the right.
script A piece of text that contains a description of a behavior for objects in a computer language. Writing a script is often referred to as 'scripting' or 'programming'.
session In multiplayer mode, instance of several applications on remote computers communicating with each other. Before an application can start communicating with other computers, it must be part of a session. An application can enumerate all the existing sessions on a network and join one of them, or it can create a new session and wait for other computers to join it. Once the application is part of a session, it can create a player and exchange messages with all the other players in the session.
skin The image, or texture, that is wrapped around a model. Skins can be imported in .PCX, .BMP, or .TGA format, 8 bit, 24 bit or 32 bit with alpha channel. Skins can be of any size (not only 256x256), but should be powers of 2 in size for rendering speed and quality reasons. The skin uses UV mapping, which means it can be arbitrarily mapped onto the model parts.
specular property Material property that determines how a point of light on a shiny object corresponds to the reflected light source. The specular property of a material is one of the properties that determine how a material reflects light.
spotlight Light source that emits a cone of light. Only objects within the cone are illuminated. The cone produces light of two degrees of intensity, with a central brightly lit section that acts as a point source, and a surrounding dimly lit section that merges with the surrounding deep shadow.
stretching Blitting an image into a destination with different dimensions.
surface A side of a block, or a triangle of a model


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TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A protocol developed by the Department of Defense for communications between computers. It is built into the UNIX system and has become the standard for data transmission over networks, including the Internet. The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) TCP/IP service provider uses data packets for nonguaranteed and guaranteed messaging. Using TCP/IP protocol, a single computer can host multiple multiplayer sessions.
tearing A visual artifact that occurs when one displayed video frame contains parts of two different source video frames. It is usually caused by improper synchronization between video rendering and the graphics display.
tessellating Breaking an image or a polygon into small square regions. Normally used for rendering lights on a surface.
texel Single element in a texture. When a texture has been applied to an object, the texels rarely correspond to pixels on the screen. Applications can use texture filtering to control how the system interpolates between texels to create pixels in a scene.
texture Rectangular array of pixels that is applied to a visual object.
texture blending Technique of combining the colors of a texture with the colors of the surface to which the texture is applied.
texture coordinates Coordinates that determine which texel in each texture is assigned to each vertex in an object.
texture filtering Process of mapping texel colors from one or more textures onto the pixels that comprise the image of a 3-D primitive.
texture mapping Application of a texture to an object. Because a texture is a flat image and the object is often not, the texture must be mapped to the surface of the object, using texture coordinates and wrapping flags. See also "texture coordinates" and "wrap."
thrashing Removing textures used in the current frame to reclaim texture memory for subsequent frames.
time code A digital signal applied to a media stream. The signal assigns a number to every frame of video, representing hours, minutes, seconds, and frames.


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unit vector Vector with a magnitude (length) of 1.0. Normals are always unit vectors.


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vertex Point in 3-D space, represented by three coordinates, it's X, Y and Z position.
vertical blanking interval Small period of time that elapses between video frames during which a display device refreshes its display for the next frame.
vertical refresh Period after which the display is to begin a new screen.
video frame Single image in a video stream, comprised of one odd field and one even field. See also "field."
view space See "camera space."
view state Accumulation of all a control's property values.
view transformation Application of a matrix to a model's vertices to change its orientation from world space to view space.
viewing frustum 3-D volume in a scene positioned relative to the viewport's camera. Objects within the frustum are visible. For perspective viewing, the viewing frustum is the volume of an imaginary pyramid that is between the front clipping plane and the back clipping plane. For orthographic viewing, the viewing frustum is cubic.
viewport Rectangle that defines how a 3-D scene is rendered into a 2-D window, given by view parameters.


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WAV A file format in which Windows stores sounds as waveforms. Such files have the extension .wav.
world coordinates Coordinates that are relative to the origin of a scene. See also "model coordinates" and "world space."
world space Frame of reference used by world coordinates that declares vertices relative to a single origin within a 3-D scene.
world transformation Application of a matrix to a model's vertices to change its orientation from model space to world space.
wrap Procedure used to calculate texture coordinates for a face or mesh. The basic wrapping types are flat, cylindrical, spherical, and chrome.


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z-buffer Buffer that stores a depth value for each pixel in a scene. Pixels with a small z-value overwrite pixels with a large z-value.
z-beating Sawtooth like artifacts that result from a poor separation of z-values due to far distances and low z buffer resolution. Some pixels from the back texture are rendered onto the front texture and vice versa.